FeministIT starts tomorrow, a few updates in the meantime

The UCFemTechNet assembly Feminist IT kicks off tomorrow evening at 7pm.

Due to an incredible amount of interest, the event has more registered participants than the Cymer Conference Center room capacity can accommodate (110), so the registration had to close a bit early. It’s perhaps telling of the timeliness and importance of the theme that it has generated so much interest.

To better accommodate a larger crowd, the Thursday events in the program  will also be in the Cymer Conference Center, which is on the second floor of the Structural and Mechanical Engineering building (SME), and not in the Performance Space. The SME building is on the eastern part of the UCSD campus. Directions are here, more on parking and logistics are here (scroll for details).

We’ll be updating our Facebook page with details, and the Twitter hashtag for the event is #femIT.

Registration deadline for Feminist IT this Friday

Register before Friday, April 12, 2013 for the Feminist IT conference next week. Confirmed participants in the event include:

Amelia Acker (UCLA)
Christina Agapakis (UCLA)
Morana Alač (UCSD)
Anne Balsamo (New School)
Lauren Berliner (UCSD)
Emily Brooks (UCI)
Amanda Cachia (UCSD)
Lisa Cartwright (UCSD)
Adele Clarke (UCSF)
Heidi Rae Cooley (University of South Carolina)
Jordan Crandall (UCSD)
Sharon Daniel (UCSC)
Katherine Darling (UCSF)
Zeinabu Davis (UCSD)
Mary Anne Doane (UCB)
April Durham (UCR)
Kelly Gates (UCSD)
Yelena Gluzman (UCSD)
Josh Guilford (Brown)
Aaron Gurlly (UCSD)
N. Katherine Hayles (Duke)
Louise Hickman (UCSD)
Amy-Claire Huestis (UCLA)
Lilly Irani (UCI)
Roshanak Kheshti (UCSD)
Antoinette LaFarge (UCI)
Martha Lampland (UCSD)
Lan Xuan Le (UCSB)
Elizabeth Losh (UCSD)
Kelli Moore (UCSD)
Chandra Mukerji (UCSD)
Sheila Murphy (Michigan)
Meena Natarajan (UCB)
Lisa Parks (UCSB)
Matt Perkins (UCLA)
Pooja Rangan (New School)
Kriss Ravetto-Biagioli (UCR)
Beth Reddy (UCI)
Andy Rice (UCSD)
Jeanette Roan (California College of the Arts)
Fatimah Tobing Rony (UCI)
Susana Ruiz (USC)
Monika Sengul-Jones (UCSD)
Carol Stabile (University of Oregon)
Erika Suderburg (UCR)
Chikako Takeshita (UCR)
Tina Takemoto (California College of the Arts)
Saundarya Thapa (UCLA)
Lindsay Thomas (UCSB)
Chad Valasek (UCSD)
Victoria Vesna (UCLA)
Cristina Visperas (UCSD)
Kalinda Vora (UCSD)
Adrianne Wadewitz (Occidental College)
Zara Zepel (UCSD)

Feminist IT is proud to thank the following sponsors, who are making the event possible:

University of California Humanities Research Institute

Center for Information Technology and Society at UCSB

UCSD Visual Arts Department

UCSD Division of Social Science, Office of the Dean

UCSD Graduate Student Association

UCSD Science Studies Program

UCSD Department of Communication

UCSD Critical Gender Studies Program

UCSD Cross-Cultural Center

UCSD LGBT Resource Center

UCSD Women’s Center

UCSD Sixth College


What does a brain and a foil crown have to do with Feminist IT?

A teaser of what is to come on April 19, 2013


Our closing roundtable, “Storming the Female Brain,” will be led by Victoria Vesna, media sci-artist and Professor of Design / Media Arts and Director of the Art/Sci Center at the School of the Arts and California Nanosystems Institute (CNSI) at UCLA. Vesna will work with cognitive scientist Morana Alač, Professor of Communication at UCSD, and other brain experts to brainstorm brain science and ponder the impressive matter of the female brain.

This will be the fifth iteration of an ongoing project called “Brain Storming” that Dr. Vesna launched with neuroscientist Marc Cohen at the UCI Beall Gallery of Technology. Other sessions have included ‘Brain Storming the Brain Storm,’ ‘Brain Storming Water,’ ‘Brain Storming Turing (Beall),’ and ’Brain Storming the Brain with neuro-biologist Constance Hammond.’

Register here to witness the Brain Storm and participate in the full-day Assembly on April 19.

Register now for Feminist IT!

We’re pleased to announce that the UCFemTechNet hosted event, Feminist Infrastructures and Technocultures (IT): Cross-disciplinary Legacies and Futures, is now open for registration. Check out our spiffy webpage with details on the event such as guest speakers, program, and Q&A on the event at http://feministit.ucsd.edu. The assembly will take place April 18, 19 & 20th. Check it out — and register to participate by April 12, 2013.

More sponsors for UCFemTechNet’s April assembly

Yes, we’re very excited to share more good news about the upcoming Feminist Infrastructures and Technocultures (IT) assembly in April: the department of Communication, the Science Studies program, and the Critical Gender Studies program — all at UCSD — will be co-sponsoring the event. Yay!

More details about the program, as well as logical information such as hotel details, to come soon.

Our first sponsor, UCSB Center for Information Technology and Society

UCFemTechNet, funded by the UC Humanities Research Institute (UCHRI), is happy to announce collaboration with the UCSB Center for Information Technology and Society. CITS IconCITS will be helping us put on the April 19, 2013 Assembly held at UCSD. Thank you for helping us make this happen!

And stay tuned here or on our Facebook page for more details. Reach out to us at ucfemtechnet@ucsd.edu if you or your organization is interested in getting involved in the initiative and/or assembly.

*Save the date* Feminist IT Assembly – April 19, 2013


**Save the date**

April 19, 2013

UCFemTechNet presents:

Feminist Infrastructures and Technocultures: Cross-Disciplinary Legacies and Futures

at University of California, San Diego

Feminist Infrastructures and Technocultures (IT): Cross-Disciplinary Legacies and Futures is an assembly of UC scholars working across STS (science and technology studies), film and media studies, sci-art, digital humanities, informatics, and critical media practice. Feminist IT invites attention to infrastructural design and promotes experimentation for future networks and collaboration in scholarly and media-based technocultural practice across the campuses. Panel sessions, performances, screenings, presentations and experimentations will explore what forms and alliances are possible and necessary for the productive advancement of new work in the current remediated forms of feminist practice on and with technology. Details about how to get involved in the assembly will circulate shortly. Flier is attached.

**UCFemTechNet is a UC-wide interdisciplinary working group supported by the UC Humanities Research Institute**


Email: ucfemtechnet@ucsd.edu

Facebook group:www.facebook.com/ucfemtechnet

Web page: https://ucfemtechnet.ucsd.edu

Twitter: @ucfemtechnet

Please circulate!